29 Ocak 2013 Salı

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·         CBRT > Inflation report today. We expect no change in the Bank’s inflation forecast of 5.3% for 2013. House forecast @ 6.3%
·         ISCTR (BUY, TP TL8.63) > ISCTR Pension Fund announced plans to sell 1% of its ISCTR holdings. The 45m shares up for sale make up 3.2% of free float and the TL304m total val at the current mrkt price account for 1.2x daily vol. Fund currently owns 40.73% of the ISCTR. Stake will drop to 39.73%.
·         TAVHL (BUY, TP TL14.60) > TAV management says news re a ban on cigarette sales at arrival duty-free shops inaccurate. TR gov’t is reportedly preparing to ban sale of tobacco products at arrival duty-free shops, as part of an agreement with WHO. Comment >  We don’t expect the news to have a sustained impact on TAVHL share price given mgmt’s response to the news. We est tobacco sales @ arrival duty free shops account for about 3% of overall revs and c.4% of profits. If the news were true, the gov’t would most probably need to compensate duty free operators.
AUTO INVESTMENT INCENTIVES > According to Hurriyet, the gov’t agreed to change the criteria for investment incentives granted to the auto sector. Auto investments above TL300m will be classified as “investments with specific priorities” and will receive an invest contribution of 40% (40% of invest will be tax deductible). +ive for Tofas (TOASO TI, Hold, TP: TRY11.5) re to the next investment cycle of Minicargo. Additionally, Fiat aims to launch four new passenger cars (entry level) in ‘15 under the Fiat brand and two in ‘16, majority of which will be produced outside Italy. We believe more favourable invest incentives, along with Tofas’ strong balance sheet, might increase its chances of receiving a new mandate from Fiat when the company chooses between plants (Turkey, Serbia & Poland). We have been cautious on Tofas due to uncertainty re Minicargo vols when take-or pay-contracts expire in YE15. For Ford Otosan (FROTO TI, Hold, TP: TRY21.2), which is undergoing an invest cycle (& already received an invest

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