NEW TAX: Acc. to local
dailies, Finance Min Simsek stated if income from sources such as interest,
div & rent exceed a certain threshold (speculated @ TL75k) => 35% tax
can be introduced, based on taxpayer declaration. WHT already paid would be
deducted from this tax liability. Accordingly, the FM revealed that the target
is for income tax equality & some expenses could also be made tax
deductable which could incr the # of taxpayers. Says the scheme is being worked
on & could be sent to Parliament 1H13. Comment: Would increase
the tax load from 15% to 35% => discourage savings & promote
spending, which contradicts with Govt’s aim to pull down CAD => no real
yield on deposits currently, such an addi tax would reduce the principles in
real terms. TL75k threshold is large enough to cover deposits
>c.TL1m=> still -VE as this segment has the largest contribution in
overall savings. Individuals with such high returns from divi, rent
& deposits may tend to move savings off-shore, which would be -VE for TK
(already very low savings rate).
SCHEME => Regulation re state contributions in pvt
pension system was published @ official gazette => state contributions will
be managed by pension co’s in separate accounts where total fee charged is
capped @ annual 0.365%. Min 75% of state contributions has to be invested in TRY
govt bonds (including sukuks) & max 25% into TRY deposits, bank bonds &
equities (companies in ISE-100 or participation index) - not more than 15% into
a single instrument. Govt expects c.TL5b of new contributions in 2013 =>
could translate into annual inflows of c.TL900m into bonds & c.TL150m into
TL42.3) > According to the president of
Agriculture Equipment Association, replacement of old tractors would
contribute for a savings of TL6b for the economy. Says the running cost of
old tractors is significant and hurts productivity; hence, the govt should
provide scrap incentive to the sector. Note that we f/cast a tractor market
of 46K for 2013 and 52K for 2014. We account for a scrap incentive for the
sector as from 2014 (when Tier 4 emission regulation is to be adopted in TR).
However, a potentially earlier scrap incentive would provide a significant
support for 2013 demand.
TL1.55) > Kardemir announced that it
decided to apply to the CMB to increase its registered capital ceiling from
TL1.2b to TL3.0b. Comment: Might trigger bonus issue speculations and
impact the stock +VELY in the short-term. Yet, no impact on our forecasts or
the valuation.
TL7.30) > THYAO disclosed some numbers
from its 2013 budget => i) unit sales of 90.8b in RPK (rev passenger km) on
prod of 115.2b in ASK (available seat km) => passenger load factor of 78.8%,
ii) # of passengers budgeted @ 46m (17.7m domestic and 27.3 int’l) and iii)
revenues of $9.7b on fuel consumption / cost of 3.99b litres / $3.7b. Comment:
Implies faster growth vs our est in 2013 => THY may sacrifice yields to some
extent in order to achieve such growth (top line is only 5% higher, implying a
5% lower yields vs. our est). The budgeted vol’s (unit sales, prod’n, # of
passengers) are c.10% higher than our existing est for 2013 (implying c.20% y/y
growth). However, the airline’s planned seat capacity growth based on the
existing LT aircraft acquisition agreements is only 7% y-y (w/o taking into
account potential ST departures from the fleet related with the seven old
widebody aircraft on sale (A340s) accounting for c.5% of the existing
capacity). The airline might resort to leasing aircraft for the ST (usually
more costly). THY’s growth is again likely to mostly happen at Ataturk
Airport, implying stronger than exp’d vol growth for TAVHL. Yet, we are
curious to see how Ataturk Airport, THY’s main hub, would be able to
accommodate this growth.
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