TL5.85) & YKSGR (NR) > Hurriyet quotes
Generali’s CEO as saying that they are in talks to buy Yapi Kredi
Insurance and a deal “could be reached soon.” Generali operates in the
Turkish non-life insurance market with a mkt share in premiums of only 0.5% as
at Oct 2012 vs. Yapi Kredi Insurance has 7%. Recall that the spin-off process
of the pension and life arm under Yapi Kredi Insurance started at end of last
year. We believe the sale of the non-life insurance business could provide
c.40bp boost to YKB’s CAR.
GAS/ELECTRICITY> Reportedly, Botas
reversed the entire price incr that took place late Nov’12 => +37% on NG
sold to state owned/contracted power plants (TL1400-1427/000CM almost x2 price
of NG sold to private sector). With the price incr Botas had aimed essentially
to shift its loses to its electricity production entity (EUAS) & TETAS. NET/NET:
If true, will also help electricity prices, as state entities (EUAS) &
TETAS would pass on cost pressures to consumers by incr’g regulated price
tariffs => electricity price incr is less likely in s/t (good for infl)
=> +VE for cement sector, electricity is c35% of COGS.
TL11.00) > Sellers of white goods may have
to start purchasing back old white goods from consumers for as much as
TL60/piece starting June 2013 as part of new recycling rules according to local
dailies. Comment => Can be both +ve/-ve, as we do not know exactly how the
system would work. If consumers are incentivized enough, expansion of recycling
rules likely to increase demand. However, may have unfavourable cost
implications for white goods companies. Will look into more detail and discuss
with ARCLK mgmt.
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