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16 Ekim 2012 Salı

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AKBNK (BUY, TP: TL8.80) => Borrowed $500m via a 5-year Eurobond at US treasury rate +328bp and $500m via a 10-year Eurobond at US treasury rate +345bp, according to Bloomberg. This indicates respective costs of 3.95% c.120bp and 5.15% c.155bp wider than Turkish government Eurobond yields with same maturities.
THYAO (U/R) => To add 20 new routes in 2013 according to local daily citing chairman’s comments to local TV channel. Comment: Growth impact => Only ~2%-3% in 2013. While THYAO flies to more than 200 destinations currently, new routes usually start off at low frequencies. We also assume opening of new routes will be spread over 2013.
AEFES (AEFES TP TL25.52) => The CMB approved AEFES’s application for a $500m debt issue. AEFEs did not specify reason behind, but believes the current environment is very favourable for new debt issue. Currently borrows @ LIBOR+250bps.  Mandated banks for a planned bond sale of $500m with 5,7 and 10 year maturities. We believe AEFES is looking at acquisition opps in Eastern Europe and nearby regions and would like to raise debt beforehand.
TURPS (BUY, TP TL 48.60) => Up to $1b of bonds, TUPRS plans to issue, have been registered by the CMB according to the board’s weekly bulletin issued yesterday. No further details are available as to pricing, maturity and the exact amount the company might issue eventually. The amount to be issued would most probably depend on the pricing according to our previous discussions with management. Comment: We expect TURPS will use bond proceeds to replace some banking debt it uses to finance its working capital (~$1.2b as end-1H12 according to our estimates).
AKSEN (HOLD, TP TL4.13)=> CMB approved AKSEN’s application to increase paid-in capital by 6.2% to TRY613m, first announced in April 2012. Recall that under the deal, AKSEN will sell the issued shares to GS at $2.94 per share. GS will also own a put option with a strike price of $2.94/share to return shares to AKSEN. The transaction will have no impact on the current share price.
ASELS (N/R) => State Tender Institution will require the Turkish Armed Forces Foundation and its subsidiaries to hold tenders for its procurements, according to daily Zaman. Negative for Asels.


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